
An incredibly strange and wild Auri Xaela with an aptitude for the flute.


Name: Tseren - according to them.
Age: They don't know (19 for ooc knowledge).
Race: Auri Xaela mixed with Dragonblood - not that they would know.
Pronouns: No concept of Gender - Either they/them or their name.
Sexual Preference: ???
ERP: ???
Likes: Food, Water, Swimming, Flutes.
Dislikes: Clothes, Shoes, Scary Things.
Headcanon Theme: Roar - Katy Perry (High probably of changing).


Born in the Azim Steppes, Tseren lost their birthing parent quite early on in life and with no memories of parent or tribe to raise them, they took to the wilds. For most of their early years they saw no one, only beasts in a kill or be killed world, and so they hunted.As they reached adulthood, they came across a wandering tribe of Auri Xaela and became fascinated with them, never before had they seen anyone whom looked like them. Watching and listening to them from the shadows, they picked up some phrases of Old Auri, albeit incredibly broken and followed them towards the Ruby Sea, where they got incredibly distracted by the tides and went for a swim, eventually turning up on the shores of Shirogane and wandered into the first source of shelter, they could find that was open, drawn in by the scent of food, they dove further in where they were 'adopted' in a sense by the staff there.